姓  名: 李春旺
学  科: 生态学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807466 / 
电子邮件: licw@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
中国科学院动物研究所 中国科学院动物生态与保护生物学重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 野生动物与行为生态研究组     


2009年,在美国University of California, Los Angeles和Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory访问及合作研究;



自1996年,以麋鹿和梅花鹿等为对象,研究了行为对策的适应性和内分泌调节,揭示了有蹄类动物适应自然和社会环境的行为生态学机制。另外,还以普氏原羚等为研究对象,研究了人类干扰对动物行为的影响,阐明了动物行为与物种保护的关系。相关结果在国际重要学术杂志Animal Production Science, Hormones and BehaviorEthologyZoo BiologyWildlife ResearchGeneral and Comparative EndocrinologyMammalian BiologyActa EthologicaPLoS One等和一些国内核心杂志上发表。
还以青海沙蜥和草原沙蜥为对象,研究了荒漠爬行动物行为学和生理生态学内容,发现了爬行动物适应荒漠严酷环境的行为对策和生理机制。有关结果发表在Journal of Arid EnvironmentsCurrent ZoologyBiological Rhythm ResearchPeerJAsian Herpetological Research上。李春旺还与美国和俄罗斯科学家开展了合作,研究了蒙古瞪羚的生态与分布,人类活动对黄腹旱獭行为的影响等,部分结果已经在Applied Animal Behaviour Science上发表,并被美国Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory(RMBL)选为示范研究(http://www.digitalrmbl.org/case-studies/ecology-of-fear-marmot-paper/)。


  • 2017年至今,中国动物学会动物行为学分会,理事
  • 2017年至今,中国动物学会应用动物行为学专家工作组,成员
  • 2017年至今,中华人民共和国濒危物种科学委员会,协审专家
  • 2017年至今,Journal of Mammal Research, 编委
  • 2017年至今,Archives of Zoological Studies, 编委
  • 2015年至今,《动物学杂志》,编委
  • 2015年至今,中国动物学会动物行为学分会,委员
  • 2013年至今,中国动物学会两栖爬行动物学分会,理事
  • 2006年至今,北京市园林绿化局生物多样性专家组,成员


  • 2011年,中国麋鹿保护奖科技二等奖;
  • 2009年,The Best Oral Presentation Award of The 2nd National Animal Behavior Symposium;
  • 2005年,中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖;
  • 2004年,中国科学院动物研究所优秀研究生奖;


  • 2017-2021,科技部国家重点研发计划项目-“物种多样性类遗产地生态保护与管理技术”
  • 2017-2019,陕西省青木川国家级自然保护区动物多样性调查项目
  • 2017-2019,环保部生物多样性调查与评估试点项目
  • 2016-2019,国家自然科学基金面上项目-“麋鹿行为的进化适应及其与基因多态性”
  • 2017-2019,国家林业局项目-“喜马拉雅麝专项调查”
  • 2013-2018,科技部科技基础专项项目-“阿勒泰中俄哈蒙边境地区的特有爬行动物种类与区系”
  • 2011-2014,中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目-“重要CITES附录物种--狩猎动物资源评估”
  • 2011-2013,国家自然科学基金面上项目-“麋鹿繁殖计策的行为内分泌机制及其在种群复壮中的生殖贡献”
  • 2008-2011,科技部国家科技支撑计划项目-“重要荒漠和草原物种资源--啮齿动物监测技术”
  • 2007-2009,国家自然科学基金面上项目-“野生梅花鹿繁殖行为的激素调节和育幼警戒及环境适应性”
  • 2006-2008,中国科学院“优秀博士学位论文、院长奖获得者科研启动专项资金”--“青海沙蜥和草原沙蜥生态适应机制”
  • 2005-2007,国家自然科学基金重点项目课题--“求偶场交配制度的形成机理和生态适应意义”
  • 2005-2007,科技部重大项目“动物疫病信息技术平台”专题1项
  • 2002-2004,美国COLUMBUS动物园协会国际项目专题--“陕西省老县城保护区野生脊椎动物及栖息地调查”的鸟类专题
  • 2000-2005,国家重点基础研究规划项目课题--“物种濒危机制与保护对策研究”的麋鹿专题


  1. Ping X, Liu N., Jiang Z., Xu H., Li C*. 2017. Assaying progesterone, estradiol and cortisol concentrations in hair of Père David deer hinds:An alternative way to reflect seasonality of steroid secretion. Biological Rhythm Research (available online) 48(2): DOI: 10.1080/09291016.2017.1367063
  2. Ji S., Lian X., Jiang Z., Li L., Bi J., Li C*. 2017. Effects of sand grain size on habitat selection in steppe toad-headed lizard (Phrynocephalus frontalis). Asian Herpetological Research 8(2): 123–130.
  3. Ding J., Chang Q., Ding Y., Zhu L., Liu H., Jiang Z., Li C*. 2017. Seasonal home range patterns of the reintroduced and rewild female Père David’s deer Elaphurus Davidianus. Biological Rhythm Research 48(3): 485-497.
  4. Cui S, Milner-Gulland E. J., Singh N. J., Chu H., Li C., Chen J. Jiang Z. 2017. Historical range, extirpation and prospects for reintroduction of saigas in China. Scientific Reports 7: 44200.
  5. Ji S., Li L., Li C., Zhang Y., Ren S., Ping X., Cui S., Chu H., Jiang Z. 2017. Impact of different road types on small mammals in Mt. Kalamaili Nature Reserve. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 50: 223-233.
  6. Liu Z., Jiang Z., Yang A., Xu B., Fang H., Xie Z., Li N., Li C., Meng Z., Zeng Y. 2017. Attitudes toward bile extraction from living bears: Survey of citizens and students in Beijing. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 20(3): 205-218.
  7. Zhang L., Luo Z., Mallon D., Li C., Jiang Z. 2017. Biodiversity conservation status in China's growing protected areas. Biological Conservation 210: 89-100.
  8. Liu N., Jiang Z., Zhang L., Zhong Z., Ping X., Xu H. and Li C*. 2016. Bioacoustic cues and their relations to dominance rank in Père David’s deer stags. Animal Production Science 56: 971-977.
  9. Ping X., Han D., Jiang Z. and Li C*. 2016. Circadian patterns of plasma leptin, insulin and glucose concentration in the toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus versicolor. Biological Rhythm Research 47(6): 927-936.
  10. Cui S., Luo X., Chen D., Sun J., Chu H., Li C* and Jiang Z. 2016. The adder (Vipera berus) in Southern Altay Mountains: population characteristics, distribution, morphology and phylogenetic position. PeerJ 4:e2342.
  11. Li C., Lian X., Tang S., Bi J. and Jiang Z. 2013. Diet, Food Intake of Phrynocephalus frontalis (Agamidae) and Its Potential Role in Desert Habitat. Asian Herpetological Research 4(4): 248–253.
  12. Ping X., Li C. and Jiang Z. 2013. Household energy consumption patterns in agricultural zone, pastoral zone and agro-pastoral transitional zone in eastern part of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Biomass and Bioenergy 58: 1-9.
  13. Lian X, Jiang Z, Ping X, Tang S, Bi J. and Li C*. 2012. Spatial distribution pattern of the steppe toad-headed lizard (Phrynocephalus frontalis) and its influencing factors. Asian Herpetological Research 3(1): 46–51.
  14. Li C., Monclús R., Maul T.L., Jiang Z. and Blumstein D.T. 2011. Quantifying human disturbance on antipredator behavior and flush initiation distance in yellow-bellied marmots. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 129: 146-152.
  15. Li C., Lian X., Bi J., Fang H., Maul T.L. and Jiang Z. 2011. Effects of sand grain size and morphological traits on running speed of toad-headed lizard Phrynocephalus frontalis. Journal of Arid Environments 75(2011): 1038-1042.
  16. Li C., Yang X., Ding Y., Zhang L., Fang H., Tang S. and Jiang Z. 2011. Do Père David’s deer lose memories of their ancestral predators? PLoS One 6(8): e23623.
  17. Li C., Gu Y., Tang S., Fang H., Jiang G. and Jiang Z. 2011. Effects of acute low temperature stress on the endocrine reactions of the Qinghai toad-headed lizard. Current Zoology 57 (6): 775?780.
  18. Ping X., Li C., Jiang Z., Liu W. and Zhu H. 2011. Sexual difference in seasonal patterns of salt lick use by south China sika deer Cervus nippon. Mammalian Biology 76(2): 196-200.
  19. Ping X., Li C., Jiang Z., Liu W. and Zhu H. 2011. Interference competition and group size effect in sika deer (Cervus nippon) at salt licks. Acta Ethologica 14(1): 43-49.
  20. Li C., Jiang Z., Feng Z., Yang X., Yang J. and Chen L. 2009. Effects of highway traffic on diurnal activity of the critically endangered Przewalski’s gazelle. Wildlife Research 36(5): 379-385.
  21. Li C., Jiang Z., Tang S. and Zeng Y. 2007. Influence of enclosure size and animal density on fecal cortisol concentration and aggression in Père David's deer stags. General and Comparative Endocrinology 151: 202-209.
  22. Li C., Jiang Z., Zeng Y. and You Z. 2007. A note on environmental element as an essential prerequisite of behavioral expression: A case study of Père David’s deer. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 103: 174-180.
  23. Li C., Jiang Z., Tang S. and Zeng Y. 2007. Evidence of effects of human disturbance on alert response in Père David’s deer, Elaphurus davidianus. Zoo Biology 26: 461-470.
  24. Jiang Z., Li C., Fang H., Meng Z. and Zeng Y. 2007. Captive-bred tigers and the fate of wild tigers. BioScience 57(9): 726.
  25. Li C., Jiang Z., Zeng Y. and Yan C. 2004. Relationship between serum testosterone, dominance and mating success in Père David's deer stags. Ethology 110(9): 681-691.
  26. Li C., Jiang Z., Jiang G and Fang J. 2001. Seasonal changes of reproductive behavior and fecal steroid concentrations in Père David’s deer (Elaphurus davidianus). Hormones and Behavior 40: 518-525.

