姓  名: 张 映
学  科: 发育生物学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807297 / +86-10-64807306
电子邮件: yingzhang@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲3号院
中国科学院干细胞与再生医学创新研究院大楼 中国科学院动物研究所 干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 生殖工程研究组     



  2007年在北京大学医学部获得博士学位。2008年至2010年在北京大学干细胞中心做博士后研究。2010年到中国科学院动物研究所干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室工作,先后担任助理研究员、副研究员,主要从事表观遗传修饰与干细胞多能性相关研究。以第一作者/共同第一作者/通讯作者的身份在Cell Stem CellEMBO JCancer ResJ Cell BiolMol CancerSignal Transduct Target Ther、Protein CellJ Biol ChemFASEB J等杂志发表研究论文20余篇,其中发表在Cell Stem Cell 的为封面文章,并被Cell 出版社作为Highlight的两篇文章之一重点报道。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项、青年项目一项、作为科研骨干参与国家重大科学研究计划一项,重点研发计划两项。













  1. Jiang H#, Chen Y#, He Z#, Li J#, Gao Q, Li W, Wei W*, Zhang Y*. (2023) Targeting non-muscle myosin II inhibits proliferative vitreoretinopathy through regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Oct 27;686:149149.
  2. Ying S#, Li P#, Wang J#, Chen K#, Zou Y, Dai M, Xu K, Feng G, Zhang C, Jiang H, Li W, Zhang Y*, Zhou Q*. (2023) tRF-Gln-CTG-026 ameliorates liver injury by alleviating global protein synthesis. Signal Transduct Target Ther. Apr 3;8(1):144. (封面文章)
  3. He Z#, Yuan X#, Lu Z#, Li Y#, Li Y, Liu X, Wang L, Zhang Y*, Zhou Q*, Li W*. (2022) Pharmacological regulation of tissue fibrosis by targeting the mechanical contraction of myofibroblasts. Fundamental Research. 2(1):37-47. (封面文章)
  4. Jiao G#, Wang C#, Chen Y#, Dai M, Zhang Y*, Li W*. (2022) Enhancing targeted transgene knock-in by donor recruitment. Cell Prolif. Jan;55(1):e13163.
  5. Mao Y#, Wang L#, Zhong B#, Yang N#, Li Z, Cui T, Feng G, Li W, Zhang Y*, Zhou Q*. (2021) Continuous expression of reprogramming factors induces and maintains mouse pluripotency without specific growth factors and signaling inhibitors. Cell Prolif. Aug;54(8):e13090.
  6. Li Y#, Guo L#, Ying S#, Feng GH, Zhang Y*. (2020) Transcriptional repression of p21 by EIF1AX promotes the proliferation of breast cancer cells. Cell Prolif. Oct;53(10):e12903.
  7. Mao J#, Xu K#, Han J#, Feng G, Zhang Y*, Li W*. (2020) Rapid construction of a whole-genome mutant library by combining haploid stem cells and inducible self-inactivating PiggyBac transposon. Protein Cell. Jun;11(6):452-457.
  8. Li J#, Wang C#, Feng G#, Zhang L#, Chen G, Sun H, Wang J, Zhang Y*, Zhou Q*, Li W*. (2020) Rbm14 maintains the integrity of genomic DNA during early mouse embryogenesis via mediating alternative splicing. Cell Prolif. Jan;53(1):e12724.
  9. Yuan X#, He Z#, Mao J#, Hu Y#, Liu X, Guo J, Liu Z, Zhang Y*, Li W*, Zhou Q*. (2019) Reprogramming of fibroblasts to uterine glandular epithelium by a chemical cocktail induction. Cell Discov. May 14;5:26. 
  10. Li Y#, Wang L#, Zhang L#, He Z#, Feng G, Sun H, Wang J, Li Z, Liu C, Han J, Mao J, Li P, Yuan X, Jiang L, Zhang Y*, Zhou Q*, Li W*. (2019) Cyclin B3 is required for metaphase to anaphase transition in oocyte meiosis I. J Cell Biol. May 6;218(5):1553-1563.
  11. Chen G#, Zhang D#, Zhang L#, Feng G, Zhang B, Wu Y, Li W, Zhang Y*, Hu B*. (2018) RBM14 is indispensable for pluripotency maintenance and mesoderm development of mouse embryonic stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Jun 18;501(1):259-265.
  12. Zhang W, Feng G, Wang L, Teng F, Wang L, Li W, Zhang Y*, Zhou Q*. (2018) MeCP2 deficiency promotes cell reprogramming by stimulating IGF1/AKT/mTOR signaling and activating ribosomal protein-mediated cell cycle gene translation. J Mol Cell Biol. Dec1;10(6):515-526. (Natl Sci Rev杂志Highlight) 
  13. Zhang Y#, Guo L#, Li Y#, Feng GH, Teng F, Li W, Zhou Q*. (2018) MicroRNA-494 promotes cancer progression and targets adenomatous polyposis coli in colorectal cancer. Mol Cancer. Jan 5;17(1):1. 
  14. Zhang Y#, Cui P#, Li Y#, Feng G, Tong M, Guo L, Li T, Liu L, Li W, Zhou Q*. (2018) Mitochondrially produced ATP affects stem cell pluripotency via Actl6a-mediated histone acetylation. FASEB J. Apr;32(4):1891-1902. 
  15. Zhang Y, Zhou Q*. (2017) A single-cell snapshot of cell-fate decisions. J Biol Chem. Jun 9;292(23):9855-9856.
  16. Zhang Y*, Wang S, Li L*. (2016) EF hand protein IBA2 promotes cell proliferation in breast cancers via transcriptional control of cyclin D1. Cancer Res. Aug 1;76(15):4535-45. 
  17. Zhang Y, Feng GH, Xu K, Wang L, Cui P, Li Y, Wang C, Teng F, Hao J, Wan HF, Tan Y, Wang XJ*, Zhou Q*. (2016) A non-invasive method to determine the pluripotent status of stem cells by culture medium microRNA expression detection. Sci Rep. Mar 1;6:22380.
  18. Chen T#, Hao YJ#, Zhang Y#, Li MM#, Wang M, Han W, Wu Y, Lv Y, Hao J, Wang L, Li A, Yang Y, Jin KX, Zhao X, Li Y, Ping XL, Lai WY, Wu LG, Jiang G, Wang HL, Sang L, Wang XJ*, Yang YG*, Zhou Q*. (2015) m(6)A RNA methylation is regulated by microRNAs and promotes reprogramming to pluripotency. Cell Stem Cell. Mar 5;16(3):289-301. (封面文章)
  19. Zhang Y, Teng F, Luo GZ, Wang M, Tong M, Zhao X, Wang L, Wang XJ*, Zhou Q*. (2013) MicroRNA-323-3p regulates the activity of polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) via targeting the mRNA of embryonic ectoderm development (Eed) gene in mouse embryonic stem cells. J Biol Chem. Aug 16;288(33):23659-65.
  20. Liu X#, Zhang Y#, Tong M, Liu XY, Luo GZ, Xie DF, Ren SF, Bai DH, Wang L, Zhou Q, Wang XJ*. (2013) Identification of a small compound as a novel inhibitor of the p53 transcription factor. Acta Pharmacol Sin. Jun;34(6):805-10.
  21. Zhang Y, Zhang H, Liang J, Yu W, Shang Y*. (2007) SIP, a novel ankyrin repeat containing protein, sequesters steroid receptor coactivators in the cytoplasm. EMBO J. Jun 6;26(11):2645-57.
