姓  名: 乔格侠
学  科: 动物学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807133 / +86-10-64807099
电子邮件: qiaogx@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
中国科学院动物研究所 100101
更多信息: 蚜虫系统进化研究组     



  主要研究成果:系统厘定蚜虫56属,发表13新属108新种5新亚种,建立11属32种的新异名,订正了对一些类群的错误记载。出版《中国动物志》及区系著作6部,相关著作被国际同行称为研究东亚蚜虫系统分类的重要参考书。率先开展蚜虫DNA条形码研究并构建了中国蚜虫DNA条形码数据库,筛选了蚜虫特有的条形码标记。基于形态、分子与生物学等多源数据开展了瘿绵蚜亚科、扁蚜亚科、毛管蚜亚科、大蚜亚科、毛蚜亚科、斑蚜类等重要类群的系统发育与进化研究,揭示了蜡片、虫瘿、寄主转换等重要特征的演化规律以及蚜虫与寄主植物关系的演化历史,提出通过获得新寄主进而分化是蚜虫多样性演化的重要模式。率先开展蚜虫线粒体基因组学研究,首次发现蚜亚科物种线粒体基因组具有独特的重复区结构,并首次基于线粒体基因组重建了稳定的蚜科高级阶元系统发育关系。开展了扁蚜亚科、毛管蚜亚科、斑蚜类等重要类群与青藏高原-喜马拉雅地区、西南山地等区域的蚜虫物种多样性格局研究以及柳黑毛蚜、柳瘤大蚜、大豆蚜、桃粉大尾蚜等农林害虫的谱系地理学研究,揭示了蚜虫物种多样性格局与谱系地理格局受到地理隔离、气候环境、寄主植物、生物学特性以及人类活动等多种因素的影响。在不同分类阶元水平、不同生物学背景的蚜虫类群内验证了蚜虫与其初级内共生菌Buchnera具有平行演化关系。检测并揭示了次级共生菌Wolbachia在中国蚜虫物种中的感染模式与特点。应用扩增子高通量测序技术普查了扁蚜亚科、瘿绵蚜亚科、毛管蚜亚科以及棉蚜、桃蚜、高粱蚜等重要农业害虫的共生菌多样性,提出蚜虫的共生菌群落结构受到蚜虫物种、寄主植物与地理分布等多方面因素的影响。开展了栗苞蚜、大豆蚜等农林害虫的生态学研究,探讨了重要作物害虫禾谷缢管蚜的翅型分化机制。组织研制了我国首台吸虫塔,在我国12省市与中亚地区构建了吸虫塔监测网络,对小型迁飞性昆虫进行长期监测与防控预警。在国内外学术期刊发表论文348篇,其中在TREECladisticsEnvironmental MicrobiologyDiversity and DistributionsSystematic Entomology等SCI期刊发表论文181篇;出版科学专著7部、科普专著2部。



  博士 动物学 1996 中国科学院动物研究所(导师:张广学 院士)

  硕士 动物学 1992 陕西师范大学生物系(导师:郑哲民 教授)

  学士 生物学 1987 陕西师范大学生物系


  岗位教授 中国科学院大学 2013至今

  教授 中国科学院研究生院 2002-2013

  研究员 中国科学院动物研究所 2001至今

  副研究员 中国科学院动物研究所 1997-2001

  助理研究员 中国科学院动物研究所 1996-1997

  助教、讲师 陕西师范大学 1987-1993





  中华人民共和国濒危物种科学委员会副主任,中国昆虫标本出口专家审定组组长,中国昆虫学会副理事长兼秘书长,亚太昆虫学联合会理事,第六届亚太地区昆虫学大会秘书长,第九届国际蚜虫学大会主席,MSEF组织中国协调员;《Journal of Biogeography》与《Zoological Systematics》副主编,《中国动物志》、《昆虫学报》、《应用昆虫学报》与《昆虫分类学报》等刊物编委。


  • 2017年 中国科学院第五届“十大杰出妇女”
  • 2016年 中国科学院“优秀研究生指导教师”
  • 2012年 中国科学技术协会“全国优秀科技工作者”
  • 2010年 获国家杰出青年科学基金资助
  • 2006年 中国科学院研究生院“优秀教师”
  • 2003年 “周尧昆虫分类学奖励基金”一等奖(独立完成人)




  1. Qin M, Jiang LY, Kholmatov BR, *Qiao GX, *Chen J. 2022. Phylosymbiotic structures of the microbiota in Mollitrichosiphum tenuicorpus (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Greenideinae). Microbial Ecology, 84: 227–239.
  2. Liu TY, Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2022. Human-mediated eco-evolutionary processes of the herbivorous insect Hyalopterus arundiniformis during the Holocene. Diversity and Distributions, 28: 1313–1326.
  3. Liu TY, Chen J, Zhu XC, Li CL, Jiang LY, Wieczorek K, *Qiao GX. 2022. Molecular phylogeny and macroevolution of Chaitophorinae aphids (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aphididae). Systematic Entomology, 47: 303–314.
  4. Qin M, Chen J, *Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2022. Insights into the species-specific microbiota of Greenideinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) with evidence of phylosymbiosis. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13: 828170.
  5. Xu SF, Chen J, Qin M, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2021. Geography-dependent symbiont communities in two oligophagous aphid species. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 97: fiab132.
  6. Du CC, *Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2021. Phylogeny of drepanosiphine aphids sensu lato (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea) inferred from molecular and morphological data. Current Zoology, 67: 501–513.
  7. Qin M, Chen J, Xu SF, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2021. Microbiota associated with Mollitrichosiphum aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Greenideinae): diversity, host species specificity and phylosymbiosis. Environmental Microbiology, 23: 2184–2198.
  8. Xu SF, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX, *Chen J. 2021. Diversity of bacterial symbionts associated with Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Aphidinae) revealed by 16S rRNA Illumina sequencing. Microbial Ecology, 81: 784–794.
  9. Xu TT, *Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2020. Diversity of bacteria associated with Hormaphidinae aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insect Science, 28: 165–179.
  10. Liu TY, Chen J, *Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2020. Phylogeny and species reassessment of Hyalopterus (Aphididae, Aphidinae). Zoologica Scripta, 49: 755–767.
  11. Du CC, Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2020. High correlation of species diversity patterns between specialist herbivorous insects and their specific hosts. Journal of Biogeography, 47: 1232–1245.
  12. Xu SF, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX, *Chen J. 2020. The bacterial flora associated with the polyphagous aphid Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is strongly affected by host plants. Microbial Ecology, 79: 971–984.
  13. Xu TT, Jiang LY, *Chen J, *Qiao GX. 2020. Host plants influence the symbiont diversity of Eriosomatinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Insects, 11: 217.
  14. Chen R, Su XM, Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao G. 2019. Wolbachia infection in two species: novel views on the colonization ability of Wolbachia in aphids. Environmental Entomology, 48: 1388–1393.
  15. Chen J, Wang Y, Qin M, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2019. The mitochondrial genome of Greenidea psidii van der Goot (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Greenideinae) and comparisons with other Aphididae aphids. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 122: 824–832.
  16. Fang F, Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qu YH, *Qiao GX. 2018. Genetic origin and dispersal of the invasive soybean aphid inferred from population genetic analysis and approximate Bayesian computation. Integrative Zoology, 13: 536–552.
  17. Gao C, *Chen J, Li Y, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2018. Congruent patterns between species richness and areas of endemism of the Greenideinae aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) revealed by global-scale data. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 183: 791–807.
  18. Xu TT, Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2018. Historical and cospeciating associations between Cerataphidini aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Hormaphidinae) and their primary endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 182: 604–613.
  19. Fang F, Chen J, Jiang LY, Chen R, *Qiao GX. 2017. Biological traits yield divergent phylogeographical patterns between two aphids living on the same host plants. Journal of Biogeography, 44: 348–360.
  20. Chen J, Wang Y, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2017. Mitochondrial genome sequences effectively reveal deep branching events in aphids (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aphididae). Zoologica Scripta, 46: 706–717.
  21. Li Y, *Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2017. Islands conserve high species richness and areas of endemism of Hormaphidinae aphids. Current Zoology, 63: 623–632.
  22. Chen R, Favret C, Jiang LY, Wang Z, *Qiao GX. 2016. An aphid lineage maintains a bark-feeding niche while switching to and diversifying on conifers. Cladistics, 32: 555–572.
  23. Liu QH, Chen J, Huang XL, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2015. Ancient association with Fagaceae in the aphid tribe Greenideini (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Greenideinae). Systematic Entomology, 40: 230–241.
  24. Chen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2014. A total-evidence phylogenetic analysis of Hormaphidinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), with comments on the evolution of galls. Cladistics, 30: 26–66.
  25. Wang Z, Su XM, Wen J, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2014. Widespread infection and diverse infection patterns of Wolbachia in Chinese aphids. Insect Science, 21: 313–325.
  26. Liu L, Li XY, Huang XL, *Qiao GX. 2014. Evolutionary relationships of Pemphigus and allied genera (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Eriosomatinae) and their primary endosymbiont, Buchnera aphidicola. Insect Science, 21: 301–312.
  27. Wang Y, *Huang XL, *Qiao GX. 2014. The complete mitochondrial genome of Cervaphis quercus (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aphididae: Greenideinae). Insect Science, 21: 278–290.
  28. Huang XL, *Qiao GX. 2014. Aphids as models for ecological and evolutionary studies. Insect Science, 21: 247–250.
  29. Liu L, Huang XL, Zhang RL, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2013. Phylogenetic congruence between Mollitrichosiphum (Aphididae: Greenideinae) and Buchnera indicates insect–bacteria parallel evolution. Systematic Entomology, 38: 81–92.
  30. Chen R, Jiang LY, Liu L, Liu QH, Wen J, Zhang RL, Li XY, Wang Y, Lei FM, *Qiao GX. 2013. Gnd gene of Buchnera as new effective DNA Barcode for aphid identification. Systematic Entomology, 38: 615–625.
  31. Zhang RL, Huang XL, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2013. Molecular phylogenetic evidence for paraphyly of Ceratovacuna and Pseudoregma (Hemiptera, Hormaphidinae) reveals Late Tertiary radiation. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 103: 644–655.
  32. Liu QH, Jiang LY, *Qiao GX. 2013. DNA barcoding of Greenideinae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) with resolving taxonomy problems. Invertebrate Systematics, 27: 428–438.


  1. 乔格侠, 姜立云, 陈静, 张广学, 钟铁森. 2018. 中国动物志 昆虫纲 半翅目 扁蚜科 平翅蚜科 第六十卷. 北京: 科学出版社, 1–414.
  2. 乔格侠, 张广学, 钟铁森. 2005. 中国动物志 昆虫纲 同翅目 斑蚜科 第四十一卷. 北京: 科学出版社, 1–476.

